E3 operates in an industry where price volatility, hazardous operations, and uncertain market prices are very much prevalent.
We believe taking calculative and informed risks are inherent to the performance of any business. We manage our strategic, operational, compliance, and financial risk by continuously assessing them, and only after due consideration of the risks and rewards do we take any business decision. Our prudent approach to risk management unlocks access to volatile markets. We systematically hedge flat price risk and have little exposure to underlying commodity prices. We have always fostered a culture within the Group that emphasizes and demonstrates the benefits of risk management. E3 has a dedicated in-house risk management team that adopts comprehensive risk mitigation tools to manage price risks.
In order to further enhance transparency and accessibility, we have recently introduced ASPECT risk management software as a part of our digitization initiatives. ASPECT helps us further understand our exposure and risk across multiple geographies, handle real-time valuations, and reporting of our trade positions.